Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use of the Website of the Association of Gaming Organizers, Producers of Gaming Machines, and Servicers of Gaming Machines JAKTA


The terms of use of the website of the Association of Gaming Organizers, Producers of Gaming Machines, and Servicers of Gaming Machines JAKTA (hereinafter referred to as WEB) represent a legal agreement between you and the JAKTA Association. By accessing, browsing, and/or using this website, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms and agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Use of the Website

The JAKTA Association authorizes you to view and download materials from this website, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials. You may not modify the materials on this website in any way, use them on any other website or computer network for any purpose. The materials on this website are copyrighted, and any unauthorized use may constitute a violation of Copyright and Related Rights Law, trademarks, or other laws.

The website and accompanying documentation can be used exclusively for informational purposes and cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Images can be used for editorial purposes without compensation provided that the source of use is mentioned.

Linking Policy

We are pleased that you want to place a link to our website on your site. However, we reserve the right to withdraw permission to link to our website at any time. Permissions are granted provided that the following rules are respected:
- The link must point to the homepage of the JAKTA Association's website. In exceptional cases, the link can lead to another page, but written permission must be sought in such cases.
- The website must open in a new window.

Notification of placing a link to the homepage of the web presentation must be sent to the email address within 24 hours. The message must specify the address (URL) through which the page with the link can be accessed.

Use of the Association's Mark

The use of the mark/trademark is not permitted without the express consent of the JAKTA Association. You can send a request to use the mark/trademark of the JAKTA Association to the address with the exact purpose and place of use specified.


The JAKTA Association makes efforts to ensure that the content of this website is up-to-date, accurate, and complete. However, as we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of errors, the JAKTA Association disclaims responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the materials presented on this site and will not be liable for any loss or damage to third parties arising from the use of content downloaded from this website.

The JAKTA Association cannot assume responsibility for the content of external pages. Only the operators of the linked pages can be considered responsible for their content.